New Year's Resolutions

So it's New Year's Eve, and I fear this is only one of a million new blogs out there, most of which will probably be discarded soon into 2012 anyway!

But here I am, another mummy (or mommy if you're of the US persuasian) blogger who can't fight the impulse to review nappy bags and Erin Condren Life Planners!

But the truth is, I want this blog for me, because even though I am not great at it, I like writing and like to share my thoughts on just about everything. So this blog will be part mummy blog, part photography, part weight loss, part organisation, part-life.

So I am starting with what I want to achieve this year, as a lot of it will hopefully feature on here whether you like it or not.

1. Mummyness. I want to do the best by my beautiful boy Ewan. Like everyone else, I get bombarded with advice like 'let him cry' and so on, and as well meaning as it is, I just want to do what feels right TO ME. I am no attachment parent or anything like that, I am just a normal first time mummy who doesn't necessarily think that having 5 kids makes you a better or worse mum than those with one. So for Ewan, I want to think about my parenting decisions and do what is right FOR US.

2. Weight loss. Here's a revelation, just because I am hopefully going to track my journey on here doesn't mean I'm going to succeed! This has been a resolution for most of my new years and I've only done it properly once, so I'm just going to HOPE this is the year. I need to lose about 15kg, but what I really need to do to break this down is keep my portions small, exercise once a day and go to those darn Weight Watchers meetings.

3. I'm a photographer, well I was in the days before Ewan anyway. I NEED to organise the zillion photos I have unedited on my computer and maybe, just maybe, start uploading some of them for sale! My goal is to have them all done by the end of the year.

4. I am new to the whole 'stay at home mum' thing and so another goal is to curb my untidy ways and follow flylady a little and remain organised. I want to keep the house clean! This will also make my long suffering other half happy too, who may just kill me if finds I've left another drawer open somewhere for him to walk into.

5. I love to read and follow lists, so my goal here is to make a small dent on the 1001 books you must read before you die type lists and actually write down my thoughts so I remember exactly why I hated most of the novels I read.

6. Same with movies and TV....I'm going to rewatch Buffy (I'm a Joss lover here) from the beginning and maybe jot down some thoughts there too.

7. Project Life! I bought it, must DO IT, for last year and this year.

I think that's all for least I've got one blog post done. Catch you next year.

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